Lares Algotech

Execution System

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Our Execution team – The value of Lares Algo Tech combines sell-side technological and financial capabilities with ensuring connectivity, user-friendliness, ease of implementation and modularity that is required by the buy side. Our research group consists of skilled traders, scientists, academician, and research scholars who are researching on Indian and International trade markets. We offer a comprehensive and flexible platform that suits various business requirements through the means of modular approach to make sure optimize functional and cost effectiveness.

Our Execution Strategies – Lares Algo Tech hold dedicated implementation players with a well-known global deployment record in order to help to maximize the return on investment efficiently and quickly. Lares constantly updates its technology for maximum accuracy and speed. Furthermore, our technology is constructed on Linux operating system. All of our trading software is designed using Python, C, C++ and perl language. We constantly check to make sure to use latest technology that is highly important for our success. Our platform is completely user-friendly and helps the investors to access and gain information at ease.


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